Am 13.05.2014 14:53, schrieb N.Beyer:
> Dear members of libre office,
> as I am working in the area of biochemistry, I often need to include chemical 
> formulas into my files. We mainly use ChemDraw to creat this formulas. With 
> the old versions it was easy to include them into the libre files by just 
> copy paste. If I do this now, only an empty box appears. HGow can I include 
> these pictures with the new version?
> Best regards and thanks in advance,
> Nina Beyer

You can use "paste special", this means you insert a field with the
complete table of calc for example. If you only paste it will be
converted in a writer-table or draw-table or what ever.

With paste special you can for example insert a drawing from draw in a
writer document and you can edit this drawing like in draw! It is a
embedded object.

I hope I could help you.

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