
proxmox nepouzivam, ale

Qemu agent není, není už dlouho v portech.

to bych uplne netvrdil:

[/usr/ports] $ pkg sea qemu-g
qemu-guest-agent-8.1.1         QEMU CPU Emulator (guest agent)

[/usr/ports]$ make search name=qemu-g | grep ^Path
Path:   /usr/ports/emulators/qemu

[/usr/ports]$ cat emulators/qemu/pkg-descr-ga
The QEMU Guest Agent is a daemon intended to be run within virtual machines.
It allows the hypervisor host to perform various operations in the guest,
such as:

* get information from the guest
* set the guest's system time
* read/write a file
* sync and freeze the filesystems
* suspend the guest
* reconfigure guest local processors
* set user's password

Co se tyka ZFS, tak mam jinou zkusenost nez Dan, a osobne ZFS pouzivam "vsude". Pod DB ho davam vzdy, ale je to "jen" FS, takze kdyz uz se rozbije, tak ti ani ZFS nepomuze. Kolik hlav, tolik nazoru, ze ano ;) Ale o tom tenhle dotaz neni..

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