Jozef Drahovsky wrote on 14. 5. 2019 19:38:
ale nedari sa mi rozbehat uzivatela ktory, by mal len SFTP s chroot a FTP aby 
neslo. Otazka ako na to?

Z manualove stranky od ftpd:

The ftpd utility authenticates users according to six rules.
2.   The login name must not appear in the file /etc/ftpusers.

3. The login name must not be a member of a group specified in the file /etc/ftpusers. Entries in this file interpreted as group names are prefixed by an "at" `@' sign.

Takze mas hned dve moznosti jak uzivateli pristup k FTP znemoznit - zminit ho explicitne, nebo ho dat do explicitne zminene skupiny.

Dalsi moznost vede pres konfiguraci PAM v /etc/pam.d/ftp

Krome toho, rikas, ze chces kompletne prejit na siftrovane sluzby - to znamena, ze nikdo nebude mit pristup na FTP. A to nejsnaze zaridis zastavenim toho daemona.

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