Cetl jsem x-krat, ze s tim nekdo mel problemy, tak jsem taky nemel odvahu...
Zajimavej tip jsem nasel tady: http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=224 > If you want to do it yourself you have to make sure that you only use it > during make build. > During any other stage lots of ports break. That means, especially, broken > installs. Sometimes even undetected broken installs. Je nekdo tady schopnej tohle potvrdit/vyvratit? Paralelni kompilace by na dnesnich strojich mohla usetrit docela dost casu... Mirek On 1.7.2010, at 18:48, michal_...@seznam.cz wrote: > # man make > -j max_jobs > Specify the maximum number of jobs that make may have running at > any one time. Turns compatibility mode off, unless the -B flag > is also specified. > > Vliv to ma, ale nemam s tim dobre zkusenosti. Obcas se stava, ze pak > nekteremu vlaknu chybi vysledek nejakeho jineho. Takze to nepouzivam. > > Michal -- FreeBSD mailing list (users-l@freebsd.cz) http://www.freebsd.cz/listserv/listinfo/users-l