mam nasledujici problem, pri pokusu vytvorit logicky disk na radici Adaptec 51245 (FreeBSD 6.4-RELEASE-p1, Version 6.40 (B18530)):
#arcconf create 1 LOGICALDRIVE Name 10 MAX Simple_volume 0 6
Controllers found: 1
A selected device is not available for use.

...neprobiha na nem zadna operace, je "volny" ma stejny status jako druhy: READY

pritom na druhem disku:
#arcconf create 1 LOGICALDRIVE Name 09 MAX Simple_volume 0 5
vytvorit lze.

Na radici jsou jen 2 nove disky, stejny vyrobce i firmware (HDS722020ALA330).

Pomoci smartcl lze vytahnout pouze toto(argument -s on nefunguje):

#smartctl -a /dev/pass1 -d sat
smartctl version 5.38 [i386-portbld-freebsd6.4] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce Allen
Device Model:     Hitachi HDS722020ALA330
Firmware Version: JKAOA28A
User Capacity:    2,000,398,934,016 bytes
Device is:        Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
ATA Version is:   8
ATA Standard is:  ATA-8-ACS revision 4
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
(pass1:aacp0:0:6:0): Vendor Specific Command. CDB: 85 6 2c 0 da 0 0 0 0 0 4f 0 c2 0 b0 0
(pass1:aacp0:0:6:0): CAM Status: CCB request completed with an error
SMART Disabled. Use option -s with argument 'on' to enable it.

#smartctl -a /dev/pass0 -d sat
Device Model:     Hitachi HDS722020ALA330
Firmware Version: JKAOA28A
User Capacity:    2,000,398,934,016 bytes
... pokracuje to same jak v predchozim pripade

V logu nic zajimaveho

Druhy "oddeleny" problem, pokud pripojim na stejny radic 2 disky WD20EVDS tak si s nimi nerozumi a podivne je detekuje v logu jsem nasel pak toto:
#arcconf GETLOGS 1 DEAD
<deadDriveEntry vendorID="WDC " rtcSeconds="54" rtcMinutes="57" rtcHours="16" rtcDay="3" rtcMonth="6" rtcYear="2009" serialNumber="WD-WCAVY1827xxx" productID="WD20EVDS" wwn="0000000000000000" failureReasonCode="2"/>
k jednomu z nich:
<ControllerLog controllerID="0" type="0" time="1268789773" version="3" tableFull="false"> <driveErrorEntry smartError="false" vendorID="WDC " serialNumber="WD-WCAVY1827480" wwn="0000000000000000" deviceID="4" productID="WD20EVDS" numParityErrors="0" linkFailures="12" hwErrors="0" abortedCmds="0" mediumErrors="0" smartWarning="0" />

Nevite co znamena linkFailures="12" ?Nejaky napad?


PS: druhy problem me, tak "neboli" pujdou disky mohou jit na jiny radic.
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