Postupoval jsem podle návodu na netu, ale nějak mi to nefunguje.
Stáhl jsem, rozbalil, vlezl si do adresáře, pustil make a ono tohle:

[r...@minidell /home/rna]# cd lm_sensors-3.1.2/
[r...@minidell /home/rna/lm_sensors-3.1.2]# make
"Makefile", line 112: Missing dependency operator
"Makefile", line 114: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 140: Missing dependency operator
"Makefile", line 143: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 145: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 147: Missing dependency operator
"Makefile", line 151: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 170: Could not find
"Makefile", line 171: Missing dependency operator
"Makefile", line 172: Missing dependency operator
"Makefile", line 173: Missing dependency operator
"Makefile", line 174: Missing dependency operator
"Makefile", line 175: Could not find
"Makefile", line 176: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 177: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 178: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 179: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 272: Missing dependency operator
"Makefile", line 274: Need an operator
"Makefile", line 276: Need an operator
make: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
[r...@minidell /home/rna/lm_sensors-3.1.2]#

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