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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: European BSD conference - 2009 in Cambridge - early bird registration still open (fwd)
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 11:45:18 +0100 (BST)
From: Robert Watson <>

Just a reminder to register for EuroBSDCon 2009; please forward this
announcement out to any local European (or non-European!) BSD, UNIX, and Linux
user groups!

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 11:44:18 +0100 (BST)
From: Robert Watson <>
Subject: European BSD conference - 2009 in Cambridge - early bird registration
    still open

Dear all:

I hope to welcome you to Cambridge, UK this September for EuroBSDCon 2009! We
have an exciting set of talks and tutorials, and will be announcing further
invited talks over the next few weeks. Early bird registration remains open
until 2 September.  See you here!

Robert Watson
FreeBSD Project

  EuroBSDcon 2009
  Friday 18th - Sunday 20th September,
  University of Cambridge, UK

  A day of tutorials followed by 2 days of conference talks
  covering a wide variety of BSD related topics. This is the
  European BSD Community's annual event to meet, share and
  interact across the projects and between friends.

  Covering areas from networking to security, big systems
  and complex environments, ports to LVM, geom and kqueue,
  this year's line up also features:
       * ISC and *BSD
       * OpenBSD malloc
       * Kirk McKusick's FreeBSD 8.0
       * NetBSD's LVM
       * faster packets in OpenBSD
       * How FreeBSD finds oil
       * Wireless Mesh networks
       * and more,

  The current talk list and draft schedule:
  Final talks will be announced by early September.

  The conference dinner takes place on Saturday evening and is
  sponsored by iXsystems. Thanks to conference sponsors The
  FreeBSD Foundation, iXsystems, Google, NetApp &, Exonetric.

  Discounted Early Bird registration runs until 2nd
  September. Book your place now at:

  Final programme may be subject to alteration. EuroBSDcon
  is a not-for-profit event open to everyone so please help
  spread the word online and offline. Thanks for reading!

  If you're interested enough to read this far, you can sign up for
  future announcements about EuroBSDcons by sending an email to . Your address
  will only be used to contact you about European BSD events.

  EuroBSDcon 2009 : September 18-20th, Cambridge, England.

  Book your tickets here:
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outside the FreeBSD committers' group or disclosed to other unauthorised
parties without the explicit permission of the author(s).

S pozdravom / Best regards
  Daniel Gerzo, FreeBSD committer
FreeBSD mailing list (

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