Jaroslav Votruba  wrote / napísal(a):
> tak jsem si konecne udelal cas na instalaci apcupsd. Jen pripomenu, ze mi byla schvalena jen ta nejlevnejsi APC Back-UPS CS 650.
> Po pripojeni do USB v messages se neobjevi zadna odezva.
> pri instalaci vypise na obrazovku
>  For USB cable: DEVICE (yes, leave it blank after DEVICE)
> NOTE that for USB cable you must comment out the line
>  device         uhid            # "Human Interface Devices"
> in your kernel configuration file and recompile the kernel.
> Your keyboard and mouse will still work.
> cimz to popira Danovo tvrzeni, ale tim netvrdim  ze nema pravdu
> v configu jsem upravil

DEVICE by som zakomentoval

> a zkusil nahodit aplikaci. V logu je následujíci
> Jul 9 10:56:54 backup apcupsd[19409]: apcupsd FATAL ERROR in bsd-usb.c at line 735 Cannot find UPS device -- For a link to detailed USB trouble shooting information, please see <http://www.apcupsd.com/support.html>.
> Jul  9 10:56:54 backup apcupsd[19409]: apcupsd error shutdown completed
> což je jak predpokladam problem s tim, ze ta ups proste neni detekovana. Poradite mi co s tim?

Ktore veci suvisiace s USB mate v kerneli zapnute?

> jarda
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