potrebuji nasdilet jednomu klientovi vice ruznych adresaru. Handbook pravi:
In /etc/exports, each line represents the export information for one file system to one host. A remote host can only be specified once per file system, and may only have one default entry. For example, assume that /usr is a single file system. The following /etc/exports would be invalid: # Invalid when /usr is one file system /usr/src client /usr/ports client One file system, /usr, has two lines specifying exports to the same host, client. The correct format for this situation is: /usr/src /usr/ports client filesystemem se zde rozumi particie? protoze ja musel dat /zaloha/dochazka /var/mail/virtual aby mi to fungovalo. Obe sdileni jsou na ruznych svazcich. Ptam se jen tak pro poradek, protoze pokud jsem dal /zaloha/dochazka /var/mail/virtual tak se tomu nechtelo
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