na zalohovacim serveru budou 3x 1TB disky pro zalohovani a 1x 500DB pro
system a dalsi drobnosti. Problem je s temi TB disky . Jsou to WD
10EADS. Doma je v serveru bez problemu pouzivam, ale tady mi nejdou
nastavit pres sysinstal (fdisk,label). Pri vstupu fdisku na tento disk
mi to zarve:
WARNING: A geometry of 121601/255/63 for ad10 is incorrect. Using │
│a more likely geometry. If this geometry is incorrect or you │
│are unsure as to whether or not it's correct, please consult │
│the Hardware Guide in the Documentation submenu or use the │
│(G)eometry command to change it now. │
│ │
│Remember: you need to enter whatever your BIOS thinks the │
│geometry is! For IDE, it's what you were told in the BIOS │
│setup. For SCSI, it's the translation mode your controller is │
│using. Do NOT use a ``physical geometry''.
i presto se tabulka zapise
│Wrote FDISK partition information out successfully.
spustim label
Disk: ad10 Partition name: ad10s1 Free: 1953523055 blocks (931GB)
Part Mount Size Newfs Part Mount Size Newfs
---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- -----
pri zapisu labelu dojde k chybe, i kdyz adresar existuje
Error mounting /dev/ad10s1d on /data/data-novell : No such file or
namountil jsem jej do korenu, to neprotestovalo, nicmene kdyz se podivam
labelem znova, slice neni zapsana
Verze bsd je 7,0 amd64 .
kde zjistim geometrii disku? V BIOSU nic videt neni , na strankach
vyrobce maji vse mozne, ale o geometrii jsem nanasel nic, na disku je
jen udaj LBA 1953525168
100MB slice mi to vytvorilo bez problemu, pri dalsim pokusu o slice pres
cely disk jsem dostal hlasku
ERROR: Unable to write data to disk ad10! │
│ │
│To edit the labels on a running system set │
│sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=16 and try again.
pote nasledovala hlaska pri zapisu
│Error mounting /dev/ad10s1d on /data/data1 : Operation not permitted
zmenil jsem mounpoint na korenovy adresar a probehlo to bez povidani,
nicmene df -h mi stale ukazuje , ze je stale namountovana ta 100Mb
slice, ktera je jiz davno odstranena.
Tak jsem z toho zmatenej
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