Kapitola 9 v Handbook-u:
OnLamp: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2003/11/06/Big_Scary_Daemons.html

co jsem na to koukal, tak to popisuje jen lpr, ale o cups nic.

nainstaloval jsem cups z portu
cd /usr/ports/print/cups
make all install clean

===>  Extracting for cups-1.3.7_1
===>  Patching for cups-1.3.7_1
===>   cups-1.3.7_1 depends on executable: espgs - found
===>   cups-1.3.7_1 depends on executable: cupsd - found
===>  Configuring for cups-1.3.7_1
===>  Cleaning for cups-1.3.7_1

vytvori adresar /usr/local/etc/cups s nekolika soubory, ale mel by se vytvorit i script /usr/local/etc/rc.d/cups.sh.sample, ktery se nevytvori

pokud jej zkusim odinstalovat, dostanu hlasku
===>  Deinstalling for print/cups
===>   cups not installed, skipping

tak nevim co s tim dal

PS podle jednoho navodu jsem pridal do /etc/make.conf

ale to by nemelo delat problem

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