Zbyněk Burget wrote:

> Zdravim,
> narazil jsem na drobny problem u syntaxe mailove adresy - seznam.cz 
> umoznuje zalozeni mailove adresy s pomlckou na zacatku, kdyz na to ale 
> chci poslat mail, vrati se mi chyba:
> Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; bad address syntax

Ne kazdemu se chce cist primo RFC, ale tady je z toho pekny vytah:

According to RFC 2822, , the local-part of the e-mail address may use 
any of these ASCII characters:

     * Uppercase and lowercase letters
     * The digits 0 through 9
     * The characters ! # $ % * / ? | ^ { } ` ~ & ' + - = _
     * The character . provided that it is not the first nor last 
character in the local-part, nor may it appear two or more times 

Additionally, RFC 2821 and RFC 2822 allow the local-part to be a 
quoted-string, as in "John Doe"@example.com, thus allowing characters in 
the local-part that would otherwise be prohibited.

Tedy v lokalni casti adresy jsou povoleny i dalsi "obskurni" znaky 
vcetne mezery, ale musi se adresa davat do uvozovek (tedy jeji lokalni 
cast). Kdysi davno jsem mel funkcni adresu i ve formatu [EMAIL PROTECTED] a 
mam pocit, ze mi jeden cas fungovala i samotna tecka pred zavinacem, ale 
to je uz mimo RFC.

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