
Mam starsi server Compaq Proliant ML370,dal jsem do nej HBA Qloagic
2312,kde mam pres HUB pripojene 2xpole Compaq RaidArray 4100.Pres HP
array manager jsem si vytvoril na kazdem poly 2xvolume.Nahral jsem
moduly isp a ispfw.A dotaz je,co mam dal delat pro to ty volume
pripojil?Jeste zminim ze s FC nemam skoro zadne zkusenosti.


isp0: <Qlogic ISP 2312 PCI FC-AL Adapter> port 0x5000-0x50ff mem
0xf7ff0000-0xf7ff0fff irq 24 at device 1.0 on pci6
firmware_get: failed to load firmware image isp_2300
isp0: [ITHREAD]
isp0: Board Type 2312, Chip Revision 0x2, resident F/W Revision 3.3.19
Waiting 5 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.1.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2
isp0: 0.0.0 FCP RESPONSE: 0x2

Diky za pomoc.

                    S pozdravem Tomas
FreeBSD mailing list (users-l@freebsd.cz)

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