[mozno to bude niekoho z vas zaujimat]

This is a forwarded message
Date: Sunday, March 18, 2007, 8:35:51 PM
Subject: Please forward this on to student mailing lists at your affiliated 
institutions (Summer of Code)


Google is sponsoring students this summer to work on open source software.
This program provides $4500 in funding to allow students to spend the
summer working with mentors from the open source community on specific
projects.  The FreeBSD Project is one of many participating open
source organizations that provides a long list of example proposals
and extensive mentoring and support to help students complete their
summer goals.

Students need have no prior relationship with the open source project
in order to
submit a proposal, but it is strongly suggested that students work
with members of the project to help craft a proposal.  If you or
someone you know would be interested in this program, please visit the
FreeBSD Summer of Code website at :


There you will find a large list of interesting projects in diverse
areas of modern Unix operating system development.  Some example tasks
involve writing a TCP/IP regression test suite, working on the USB and
Firewire kernel support, improving the IPv6 support in userland
utilities, and much more.

You will also find a list of senior developers who have agreed to act
as mentors to interested students.  Once you have identified a project
and a mentor, you should complete a proposal and submit it to Google
before the March 24 deadline.

Best regards,
 Daniel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

FreeBSD mailing list (users-l@freebsd.cz)

Odpovedet emailem