Martin Salac píše v po 15. 01. 2007 v 13:28 +0100:

> chtel bych se zeptat, jakou promennou prirazujete CPUTYPE v
> /etc/make.conf, kdyz mate stroj s procesorem zalozenym na
> mikroarchitekture Core (Merom pro NB, Conroe a Kentsfield pro
> desktopy a Woodcrest a Clovertown v serverovem provedeni).

CPUTYPE nenastavujeme vubec, protoze vic skodi nez pomaha.

PS --omg-optimized

Pav Lucistnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Is this a dagger which I see before me, its handle towards my hand?
Come, let me clutch thee! I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.

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