INVITATION TO ITAPA 2006 CONFERENCE To be held on 14 – 15 November 2006 in Crowne Plaza Hotel in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
The organisers of ITAPA 2006 in cooperation with SKOSI, non-profit organisation and Sun Microsystems have the pleasure to invite you to ITAPA 2006, a conference offering the general public several opportunities to learn about open technologies and eGovernment interoperability. The conference will house the Interoperability panel, provided with in cooperation with the European Commission – eGovernment services, Sun Microsystems and the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic – eGovernment Department. All speeches will be simultaneously translated into English and Slovak. The panel will start on 14 November, 2006 at 04:00 p.m. in Section C2. Any changes of agenda reserved, please see Topic: Interoperability, the very essence of eGovernment Speaker: Serge Novaretti, IDABC - eGovernment, European Commission Topic: OpenDocument based Data freedom Speaker: Wouter Tebbens, SELF project, supported by the European Commission, The Netherlands Topic: OpenDocument based Data freedom Speaker: Erwin Tenhumberg, Sun Microsystems, Open Source Group, Germany Topic: Interoperability in Slovakia Speaker: Ján Hochmann, Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic A further opportunity to learn about open technologies is to use free terminals with Internet access. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover the Slovak version of the GNU/Linux operating system running on Sun's Sun Ray thin clients and Sun ULTRA workstations. In addition, there will be an open technologies stand where ICT experts will provide information on open technologies, and hand out miscellaneous materials and free CD's, which will enable to the visitors to take home a piece of freedom. ITAPA is accessible to the general public, no admission required (exclusive of conference print materials, refreshment, etc.). -- ----------------------------------- | Jan Husar | Chairman | | -------------------------- | | GnuPG 1024D/DDB1C1AE | -- FreeBSD mailing list (