...OM 8.1.0 #371 on Ubuntu 24.04
and 22.04 get at first step

HTTP Status 404...



On Thu, 6 Mar 2025 19:23:39 +0100
Alvaro <zurca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Maxim,
> I´ve installed Kurento without Docker on Ubuntu 22.04,
> and everything works as expected with any browser in
> both clients. Except when use Safari 18.3 on iMac SO 15.3.1
> That is on OM 800. On OM 8.1.0 #371 get "...Status 404...",
> i´ve cleaned the cookies browsers...
> The client on PC, FF - Chromium, can see the cam window
> of the client that is on iMac-Safari, but only the user
> avatar and not the face image.
> The user on Safari yes see the user face image that is
> on PC, FF - Chromium, and to himself.
> That is only with Safari.  On iMac works right FF -
> Chrome - Yandex.
> Is a Kurento question. In the OM-room of PC user
> show a yellow-orange warm saying "...Kurento is trying
> reconnect user "hola"...but don´t get it.
> Here is the link of the Kurento installation:
> https://github.com/BradXiao/kurento-ubuntu
> Ubuntu 22.04 is the only one, Ubuntu´s, that in the
> OM tutorials no have a direct installation of Kurento
> without Docker.
> When is without Docker, then can use the OM boot script
> "tomcat4" and so the OM users no need to be connected
> to Internet to see between them. Therefore my interest.
> Ok, if you can take a look the web, i´ll be gratefull.
> Thanks.
> Alvaro

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