Hi, just a note that I expect some student queries to come through in the next few weeks for GSoC.
We have a project proposal and I saw already a few Jira account requests. The timeline for GSoC is: February 21 - 18:00 UTC List of accepted mentoring organizations published February 22 - March 18 Potential GSoC contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations So between Feb 22 and March 18 we may see a few queries coming through on the mailing list. Cheers Seb Sebastian Wagner Director Arrakeen Solutions, OM-Hosting.com http://arrakeen-solutions.co.nz/ https://om-hosting.com - Cloud & Server Hosting for HTML5 Video-Conferencing OpenMeetings <https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/da4e8828-743d-4968-af6f-49033f10d60a/public_url> <https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/b7e709c6-aa87-4b02-9faf-099038475e36/public_url>