The shared drive needs to be made writable by the openmeetings user running the OpenMeetings Tomcat service yes.
Can you check the table recording_chunk in your OpenMeetings database that it contains an entry with stream of type="SCREEN" for recording_id=568 ? Whats that entry looking like? Thanks Seb Sebastian Wagner Director Arrakeen Solutions, - Cloud & Server Hosting for HTML5 Video-Conferencing OpenMeetings <> <> On Sat, 18 Sept 2021 at 11:31, Jeffry Johnson <> wrote: > ok, now i"m getting more confident here. I've redirected the Data Dir to > /qcom_data/ on the root directory. THis is the NFS share that our server > team set up for me. I accomplished the redirect by inserting the following > line into the tomcat3 file: > export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -DDATA_DIR=/qcom_data/" > > Here is what the files look like after stopping the recording: > > [image: image.png] > > This is what appears when clicking the caution icon: > > [image: image.png] > > Here are the streaming files in the right directory: > > [image: image.png] > > Here is the full stack trace from beginning of recording to the end in the > logs: > > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.691 o.a.o.c.r.KRoom:120 [ventExec-e2-t23] - ##REC:: > recording in room 241 is starting :: > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.692 o.a.o.c.r.KRoom:147 [ventExec-e2-t23] - ##REC:: > recording created by USER: 1 > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.718 o.a.o.c.r.StreamProcessor:90 [nio-5443-exec-7] - > Incoming message from user with ID '1': > {"type":"kurento","id":"onIceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:3031263214 > 1 tcp 1518280447 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag > Fie8 network-id > 1","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0},"uid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd","luid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd"} > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.725 o.a.o.c.r.StreamProcessor:90 [nio-5443-exec-7] - > Incoming message from user with ID '1': > {"type":"kurento","id":"onIceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:2078137933 > 1 tcp 1518217471 2601:680:ca00:6cb0:7584:5137:c3a5:f49 9 typ host tcptype > active generation 0 ufrag Fie8 network-id 3 network-cost > 10","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0},"uid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd","luid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd"} > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.730 o.a.o.c.r.StreamProcessor:90 [nio-5443-exec-7] - > Incoming message from user with ID '1': > {"type":"kurento","id":"onIceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:1021992780 > 1 tcp 1518151935 2601:680:ca00:6cb0::635 9 typ host tcptype active > generation 0 ufrag Fie8 network-id 4 network-cost > 10","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0},"uid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd","luid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd"} > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.735 o.a.o.c.r.StreamProcessor:90 [nio-5443-exec-7] - > Incoming message from user with ID '1': > {"type":"kurento","id":"onIceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:428269470 > 1 tcp 1518086399 2601:680:ca00:6cb0:d4ec:98a1:247d:6c5a 9 typ host tcptype > active generation 0 ufrag Fie8 network-id 5 network-cost > 10","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0},"uid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd","luid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd"} > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.740 o.a.o.c.r.StreamProcessor:90 [nio-5443-exec-7] - > Incoming message from user with ID '1': > {"type":"kurento","id":"onIceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:3105188002 > 1 tcp 1518018303 9 typ host tcptype active generation 0 ufrag > Fie8 network-id 2 network-cost > 10","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0},"uid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd","luid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd"} > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.825 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:502 [pool-3-thread-6] - > Kurento::ObjectCreated -> New Endpoint > 8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/4e72fc3a-ff84-44d1-95dd-dd51bd2e8811_kurento.WebRtcEndpoint > detected, tags: {uid=8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd, > outUid=8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd}, kStream: KStream > [kRoom=org.apache.openmeetings.core.remote.KRoom@42c72392, > streamType=SCREEN, profile=WEBM_VIDEO_ONLY, recorder=null, > outgoingMedia=[RemoteObject: type=WebRtcEndpoint > remoteRef=8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/4e72fc3a-ff84-44d1-95dd-dd51bd2e8811_kurento.WebRtcEndpoint], > listeners={}, flowoutFuture=Optional.empty, chunkId=null, type=SCREEN, > sid=7c541378-cf4c-429a-9a89-e9be993c8897, > uid=8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd] > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:56.889 o.a.o.c.r.StreamProcessor:90 [nio-5443-exec-3] - > Incoming message from user with ID '1': > {"type":"kurento","id":"onIceCandidate","candidate":{"candidate":"candidate:133411719 > 1 udp 41885439 57439 typ relay raddr rport > 54669 generation 0 ufrag Fie8 network-id > 1","sdpMid":"0","sdpMLineIndex":0},"uid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd","luid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd"} > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.687 o.a.o.c.r.KStream:345 [ventExec-e2-t23] - > startRecord outMedia OK ? true > INFO 09-17 19:21:57.688 o.a.o.u.OmFileHelper:236 [ventExec-e2-t23] - > Configured to record to > file:///qcom_data/streams/241/rec_568_06e13054-286a-4b18-8959-15980ded64e9.webm > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.691 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:433 [ventExec-e2-t28] - > Kurento::ObjectCreated -> [RemoteObject: type=RecorderEndpoint > remoteRef=8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/e6fe24a7-1073-4e06-a657-329214ec7e72_kurento.RecorderEndpoint], > source [RemoteObject: type=ServerManager remoteRef=manager_ServerManager] > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.701 o.a.o.c.r.KStream:345 [ventExec-e2-t23] - > startRecord outMedia OK ? true > INFO 09-17 19:21:57.702 o.a.o.u.OmFileHelper:236 [ventExec-e2-t23] - > Configured to record to > file:///qcom_data/streams/241/rec_568_ca6ec11e-8672-4bbb-9378-0d51bd03b905.webm > INFO 09-17 19:21:57.706 o.a.o.c.r.KStream:375 [ventExec-e2-t28] - > Recording started successfully > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.747 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:433 [ventExec-e2-t28] - > Kurento::ObjectCreated -> [RemoteObject: type=RecorderEndpoint > remoteRef=2d9aab74-e536-438e-9f71-e268a07fc5b5_kurento.MediaPipeline/11e51051-faed-4296-b731-68c6cb6f7bd7_kurento.RecorderEndpoint], > source [RemoteObject: type=ServerManager remoteRef=manager_ServerManager] > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.756 o.a.o.c.r.KRoom:163 [ventExec-e2-t23] - ##REC:: > recording in room 241 is started 568 :: > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.756 o.a.o.d.d.r.PollDao:104 [Thread-1003] - :: > hasPoll :: 241 > INFO 09-17 19:21:57.760 o.a.o.c.r.KStream:375 [ventExec-e2-t23] - > Recording started successfully > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.835 o.a.o.d.d.r.PollDao:98 [Thread-1003] - :: > getArchived :: 241 > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.897 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:502 [pool-3-thread-3] - > Kurento::ObjectCreated -> New Endpoint > 8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/e6fe24a7-1073-4e06-a657-329214ec7e72_kurento.RecorderEndpoint > detected, tags: {uid=8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd, > outUid=8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd}, kStream: KStream > [kRoom=org.apache.openmeetings.core.remote.KRoom@42c72392, > streamType=SCREEN, profile=WEBM_VIDEO_ONLY, recorder=[RemoteObject: > type=RecorderEndpoint > remoteRef=8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/e6fe24a7-1073-4e06-a657-329214ec7e72_kurento.RecorderEndpoint], > outgoingMedia=[RemoteObject: type=WebRtcEndpoint > remoteRef=8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/4e72fc3a-ff84-44d1-95dd-dd51bd2e8811_kurento.WebRtcEndpoint], > listeners={}, flowoutFuture=Optional.empty, chunkId=null, type=SCREEN, > sid=7c541378-cf4c-429a-9a89-e9be993c8897, > uid=8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd] > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.951 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:502 [pool-3-thread-4] - > Kurento::ObjectCreated -> New Endpoint > 2d9aab74-e536-438e-9f71-e268a07fc5b5_kurento.MediaPipeline/11e51051-faed-4296-b731-68c6cb6f7bd7_kurento.RecorderEndpoint > detected, tags: {uid=61d3c734-6355-4f9b-b646-65504bc8d860, > outUid=61d3c734-6355-4f9b-b646-65504bc8d860}, kStream: KStream > [kRoom=org.apache.openmeetings.core.remote.KRoom@42c72392, > streamType=WEBCAM, profile=WEBM, recorder=[RemoteObject: > type=RecorderEndpoint > remoteRef=2d9aab74-e536-438e-9f71-e268a07fc5b5_kurento.MediaPipeline/11e51051-faed-4296-b731-68c6cb6f7bd7_kurento.RecorderEndpoint], > outgoingMedia=[RemoteObject: type=WebRtcEndpoint > remoteRef=2d9aab74-e536-438e-9f71-e268a07fc5b5_kurento.MediaPipeline/572fa000-edef-48bf-948e-722f83ab76b8_kurento.WebRtcEndpoint], > listeners={}, flowoutFuture=Optional.empty, chunkId=null, type=AUDIO_VIDEO, > sid=7c541378-cf4c-429a-9a89-e9be993c8897, > uid=61d3c734-6355-4f9b-b646-65504bc8d860] > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:57.969 o.a.o.d.d.r.RecordingChunkDao:96 > [ventExec-e2-t23] - [update]: > INFO 09-17 19:21:58.449 o.a.o.c.r.KStream:197 [ventExec-e2-t23] - Media > Flow OUT STATE :: FLOWING, mediaType VIDEO, source [RemoteObject: > type=WebRtcEndpoint > remoteRef=8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/4e72fc3a-ff84-44d1-95dd-dd51bd2e8811_kurento.WebRtcEndpoint], > sid 7c541378-cf4c-429a-9a89-e9be993c8897, uid > 8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd > DEBUG 09-17 19:21:58.907 o.a.o.d.d.r.RecordingChunkDao:96 > [ventExec-e2-t23] - [update]: > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:31.836 o.a.o.c.r.StreamProcessor:90 [nio-5443-exec-5] - > Incoming message from user with ID '1': > {"type":"kurento","id":"stopRecord","uid":"8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd"} > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:31.837 o.a.o.c.r.KRoom:169 [nio-5443-exec-5] - ##REC:: > recording in room 241 is stopping 568 :: > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:31.887 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:184 [ventExec-e2-t28] - > Kurento::ObjectDestroyedEvent objectId > 2d9aab74-e536-438e-9f71-e268a07fc5b5_kurento.MediaPipeline/11e51051-faed-4296-b731-68c6cb6f7bd7_kurento.RecorderEndpoint, > tags [], source [RemoteObject: type=ServerManager > remoteRef=manager_ServerManager] > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:31.888 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:184 [ventExec-e2-t18] - > Kurento::ObjectDestroyedEvent objectId > 8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/e6fe24a7-1073-4e06-a657-329214ec7e72_kurento.RecorderEndpoint, > tags [], source [RemoteObject: type=ServerManager > remoteRef=manager_ServerManager] > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:32.873 o.a.o.c.c.RecordingConverter:51 [taskExecutor-2] > - recording 568 > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:32.875 o.a.o.c.r.KRoom:192 [nio-5443-exec-5] - ##REC:: > recording in room 241 is stopped :: > INFO 09-17 19:22:32.877 o.a.o.c.r.StreamProcessor:273 [nio-5443-exec-5] - > No more screen streams in the room, stopping sharing > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:32.878 o.a.o.c.r.KStream:405 [nio-5443-exec-5] - > PARTICIPANT 8cf8103e-dc75-4f66-bcd8-5e21fb20fbbd: Releasing listeners > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:32.881 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:184 [ventExec-e2-t17] - > Kurento::ObjectDestroyedEvent objectId > 8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline/4e72fc3a-ff84-44d1-95dd-dd51bd2e8811_kurento.WebRtcEndpoint, > tags [], source [RemoteObject: type=ServerManager > remoteRef=manager_ServerManager] > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:32.883 o.a.o.c.r.KurentoHandler:184 [ventExec-e2-t17] - > Kurento::ObjectDestroyedEvent objectId > 8479330b-47c2-4070-9718-e7071f235534_kurento.MediaPipeline, tags [], source > [RemoteObject: type=ServerManager remoteRef=manager_ServerManager] > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:32.885 o.a.o.d.d.r.PollDao:104 [Thread-1176] - :: > hasPoll :: 241 > ERROR 09-17 19:22:32.953 o.a.o.c.c.RecordingConverter:100 [taskExecutor-2] > - [startConversion] > org.apache.openmeetings.core.converter.ConversionException: screenMetaData > is Null recordingId 568 > at > org.apache.openmeetings.core.converter.RecordingConverter.startConversion( > at > org.apache.openmeetings.core.remote.StreamProcessor.lambda$startConvertion$10( > at > java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( > at > java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ > at java.base/ > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:32.964 o.a.o.d.d.r.PollDao:98 [Thread-1176] - :: > getArchived :: 241 > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:33.182 o.a.o.d.d.r.PollDao:104 [Thread-1178] - :: > hasPoll :: 241 > DEBUG 09-17 19:22:33.183 o.a.o.d.d.r.PollDao:98 [Thread-1178] - :: > getArchived :: 241 > > Is it that I need to change the FACL of the dir to be owned by a different > user/group? or is there something else I'm missing here? > > On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 5:14 PM < >> wrote: > >> Sry that won't be all of the stack trace. There must be some exception / >> error before that. >> >> There is also a way to look at the error in the UI I think. I think there >> is an icon to see the commands it tried to execute and any errors with it. >> Maybe have a look at that to read all commands until you see the >> initial/first error in this processing chain. >> >> The location exists, I can see the webm files now that our Server team >>> created the NFS mount for me. >> >> That is just half the job. You also need to tell OpenMeetings the new >> location of your shared files/drive. Otherwise it assumes it is relative to >> the path of OpenMeetings base installation. You achieve that by either: >> A) Mount the same shared drive replacing the default "data" folder in >> $OPENMEETINGS_HOME/webapps/openmeetings/data >> or better: >> B) Point OpenMeetings Data directory to your shared drive location using >> the DATA_DIR parameter >> An example how to pass in the DATA_DIR when starting OpenMeetings up is >> in the Docker script for the OpenMeetings image: >> >> >> >> (A) can be a bit tricky if you don't know the internal folder structure >> of OpenMeetings that well. >> >> Please keep in mind that changing the data dir means _all_ files are on >> the shared drive. Not just recordings. So you may need to move all existing >> files from the current OpenMeetings data folder to the shared drive. Which >> again can be a bit tricky if you happen to mess up the exact folder paths >> to match. >> >> Thanks >> Seb >> >> Sebastian Wagner >> Director Arrakeen Solutions, >> >> - Cloud & Server Hosting for HTML5 >> Video-Conferencing OpenMeetings >> >> <> >> <> >> >> >> On Sat, 18 Sept 2021 at 10:57, Jeffry Johnson <> >> wrote: >> >>> ERROR 09-17 17:40:56.229 o.a.o.c.c.RecordingConverter:100 [taskExecutor-1] >>> - [startConversion] >>> org.apache.openmeetings.core.converter.ConversionException: screenMetaData >>> is Null recordingId 567 >>> at >>> org.apache.openmeetings.core.converter.RecordingConverter.startConversion( >>> at >>> org.apache.openmeetings.core.remote.StreamProcessor.lambda$startConvertion$10( >>> at >>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( >>> at >>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ >>> at java.base/ >>> >>> >>> Is this what you mean? If I seem inept it's because I only started this job >>> less than 4 months ago with ZERO experience in any of this and have had to >>> learn it all on the fly. The location exists, I can see the webm files now >>> that our Server team created the NFS mount for me. >>> >>> >>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 4:45 PM < >>>> wrote: >>> >>>> Can you post the actual stack trace? >>>> What's the file path, have you verified this file really exists or not? >>>> >>>> Thanks >>>> Seb >>>> >>>> Sebastian Wagner >>>> Director Arrakeen Solutions, >>>> >>>> - Cloud & Server Hosting for HTML5 >>>> Video-Conferencing OpenMeetings >>>> >>>> <> >>>> <> >>>> >>>> >>>> On Sat, 18 Sept 2021 at 10:29, Jeffry Johnson < >>>>> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Error in the application is file not found. In the logs the error is >>>>> that the metadata is null. >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2021, 16:14 < >>>>>> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Sry I think you just need to fix your shared drive. I have been >>>>>> mounting NFS drives before and I have not seen any such issues. >>>>>> >>>>>> What is your error? File not found? Have you checked the path in the >>>>>> exception stack trace message and if that resolves to an actual file or >>>>>> not? >>>>>> >>>>>> Thanks >>>>>> Sebastian >>>>>> >>>>>> Sebastian Wagner >>>>>> Director Arrakeen Solutions, >>>>>> >>>>>> - Cloud & Server Hosting for HTML5 >>>>>> Video-Conferencing OpenMeetings >>>>>> >>>>>> <> >>>>>> <> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Sat, 18 Sept 2021 at 10:04, Jeffry Johnson < >>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> We discovered we had an issue with recordings and I believe it's >>>>>>> because we separated our media server and om server for stability. I >>>>>>> had an >>>>>>> nfs mounted share created and now we are seeing the webm files. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The issue now is, I believe, that the prices to convert the >>>>>>> recording is being kicked off before the file is seen by om in the data >>>>>>> directory. Has this been encountered before? Should we put in a delay in >>>>>>> the conversion function? If so, where would be the best place to put >>>>>>> that >>>>>>> delay in? >>>>>>> >>>>>>