I should have read the README better, it's available compressed in
folder openmeetings-server/target

V V sob., 6. feb. 2021 ob 10:07 je oseba Boris Sagadin
<bo...@infosplet.com> napisala:
> Hi,
> we've made some custom (small) changes to Openmeetings and want to
> build and use a release locally. I've followed build docs and can get
> it to compile without error (with skipping signing: -Dgpg.skip etc.).
> But how to get from that to the release that looks like the official
> release?
> Building with: mvn clean install -Prc,release
> For example, I then see most of the files in:
> /home/openmeetings/openmeetings-server/target/apache-tomcat-9.0.38/webapps
> But some files like openmeetings.service and folder
> webapp/openmeetings are missing in there.
> Is there a mvn command or a script to build the "proper" release?
> Thanks,
> Boris

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