Hello Maxim,

>This is why I'm trying to describe the rules :)
Thank you very much.
I need your support because I've never used
mailing lists in my life.
Now I understand the following:
If someone opens a new topic (= a new thread)
I am supposed to talk ONLY about that topic
in this thread.
If I have a different question/thought than the available threads
I'm supposed to start a new thread specifying precisely
what I'd like to discuss: this is the title of the thread.
In this way other participants can find easier what
they are looking for.

See you later. Have a good day.


Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2021. jan. 25.,
H, 1:59):

> On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 at 00:19, jox joe <jox...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Maxim,
>> >this one was answered in another thread :)
>> I did not ask anything here. I just said something
>> to Alvaro.
>> >this one was answered in another thread :)
>> Sorry, which thread do you mean?
> I have feeling the beginning of the this email was the same as the email
> with "test results" subject
>> >please do not hijack mail threads
>> >If you have new unanswered question please create new mail thread with
>> clear title
>> >(so other users can understand what this mail thread about)
>> >
>> >do not send same question to multiple unrelated mail threads
>> Please do not forget that I am new in this mailing list.
>> Maybe I do not know all rules in detail.
>> I do not want to hijack mail threads intentionally.
>> But I can make a mistake especially because I
>> am a beginner here.
>> Thank you for your great support.
> This is why I'm trying to describe the rules :)
>> >Backup/restore should take care of this
>> >(just remember: there can't be too much backups :)))
>> Thank you for your answer.
>> I'm going to test the backup system. I haven't yet tested
>> it thoroughly.
>> Jox
>> Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2021. jan.
>> 24., V, 14:38):
>>> Hello Jox,
>>> please do not hijack mail threads
>>> If you have new unanswered question please create new mail thread with
>>> clear title
>>> (so other users can understand what this mail thread about)
>>> do not send same question to multiple unrelated mail threads
>>> On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 at 17:56, jox joe <jox...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello Alvaro,
>>>> thank you for your tutorials.
>>>> I used them to install OM
>>>> about one year ago.
>>>> Configuration:
>>>> 1. OM 5.0.0-M4
>>>> 2. Ubuntu 18.04
>>>> 3. Mariadb
>>>> 4. Kurento
>>>> 5. Tomcat
>>>> 6. Coturn
>>>> 7. OpenJava
>>>> 8. Clients: Firefox, Chrome
>>>> OM was not too stable.
>>>> "Connection to MediaServer has been lost"
>>>> was the typical error message.
>>>> A couple of days ago we tested the OM server with two
>>>> clients (Firefox, Chrome).
>>>> But this time both client machines were connected
>>>> to the router with Ethernet cable which means
>>>> the WiFi was removed from the communication
>>>> channel.
>>>> Overall time of testing with Ethernet cable: 2 hours.
>>>> Result: no disruption, it works like a charm.
>>> this one was answered in another thread :)
>>>> I want to upgrade OM
>>>> but I am not sure whether I will be
>>>> able to move some whiteboard material
>>>> (without converting to PNG or PDF) to the new OM.
>>> Backup/restore should take care of this
>>> (just remember: there can't be too much backups :)))
>>>> Jox
>>>> Alvaro <zurca...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2021. jan. 24., V,
>>>> 9:25):
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Is updated the tutorial:
>>>>> Installation OpenMeetings 5.1.0 on Centos 8
>>>>> ...the old LibreOffice version is not in the server to download,
>>>>> now is updated to 7.0.4.
>>>>> If you use this tutorial and find error installation please download it
>>>>> again.
>>>>> As allways can find it at:
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENMEETINGS/Tutorials+for+installing+OpenMeetings+and+Tools
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Alvaro
>>>>> ...........................
>>>>> ........................
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Maxim
> --
> Best regards,
> Maxim

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