On 12/22/20 7:39 PM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
On Wed, 16 Dec 2020 at 10:46, Ali Alhaidary
<ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org <mailto:ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org>> wrote:
No, that is not what we are doing or want to do :-)
When you install the plugin, only one group is automatically
created for all moodle users, that is what was defied in 'Module
Key' default 'moodle', so all instances of OM in moodle will
belong to that group and thus all OM users in moodle will join
that one group.
I guess `instances of OM` == `OM activities`
Could be, but group name could be other than 'moodle' and could be more
than that :-)
What is much more practical and logical is the automatic creation
of group when creating an instance of OM, it could default to
course name for example, and to do that my suggestion is 'Module
Key' is moved from plugin configuration to instance configuration
so that the users of that instance will be in that specific group.
group per `OM Moodle Activity` might be bigger mess
I guess one teacher can lead multiple classes, and files and
recordings should be shared based on org structure of particular
This can be done
But, I'm afraid, this will require to add some OM specific attributes
to Moodle users/groups (not sure if Moodle has groups ...)
moodle do have groups, but I am not talking about adding moodle groups
to OM instance (which will need much more integration), rather adding OM
group to OM per instance (moving 'Module key' from plugin config to the
instance) as students can not access recordings until the teacher
download them and upload it to moodle class page (they do not have any
recording entry), and recordings can not be moved to my, local or public
files tree branch.
The issue that we are facing is that all files and recordings goes
to one single group 'moodle' for all courses, which is very much
confusing and unorganized
Nothing is done manual or per user my friend :-)
On 12/16/20 6:16 AM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 at 12:15, Ali Alhaidary
<mailto:ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org>> wrote:
Thanks Max, I expected that there will be an option when
creating an instance of OM for group name (could default to
Module Key as moodle).
As for now, all recordings are stored in one group although
they belong to different courses/teachers/dates, the good
news is that teachers can rename the lecture recording as
course-date-lecture :-)
Should I raise a jira?
I would prefer to have small discussion first :)))
As I understand you are proposing to add "group" to every user in
Moodle (manually)
With the default of "module key"?
I doubt someone will do this ...
On 12/15/20 5:29 AM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
Hello Ali,
when you are configuring OM Moodle plugin you are choosing
"Module Key"
This will be your group name
The idea was: you can configure different Moodle instances
to use same OM
To have different groups in OM for the one Moodle you need
to have several instances of OM Moodle plugin installed
Not sure this is possible without modifying source code of
On Sat, 12 Dec 2020 at 10:20, Ali Alhaidary
<mailto:ali.alhaid...@the5stars.org>> wrote:
When setting OM plugin in moodle, the default group will
be 'moodle',
however, it is needed that different courses in moodle
connects to
different groups in OM, how to do that ?
Best regards,
Best regards,
Best regards,