I don't think I understand some basic steps then!
Everything works if I connect to the openmeeting private IP address but
also if I connect to the openmeeting static public address. .. I mean
--> admin
If a new user registers, tests and works (self-enrollment by e-mail) ...
connects to my own room ... the user does not see and hear me! I do not
see and hear him (I mean by the respective webcams / microphones)
I opened the link you sent me ...
205.0.1% 20on% 20Ubuntu% 2018.04.pdf)
Talk about installing certbot on the VM (where I installed Openmeeting).
It doesn't talk about using Nginx (another VM that I already use for
another local GUACAMOLE server)
I think I'm confused!
Can I ask for help in resolving this situation?
or, in any case, understand together what I'm missing?
Il 01/12/20 15:27, Maxim Solodovnik ha scritto:
I'm afraid you don't have TURN server
Please check "Coturn" instructions from here
On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 at 21:11, supp...@mfmconsulting.eu
<mailto:supp...@mfmconsulting.eu> <supp...@mfmconsulting.eu
<mailto:supp...@mfmconsulting.eu>> wrote:
Hello and pleasure ...
Your aids are always precious and perfect!
I need to understand why I have the problem that I try to describe to
you below ...
Working emails (both for user registration and for sending
Local server accessible from the outside (PUBLIC.STATIC IP: 5443)
I enter as an admin, I enter a room (public or private), I see
myself, I
feel myself ... If I invite a person, the person connects from his
to the invitation link, he does not see me and does not hear me. .. I
don't see it and I don't feel it!
On the router of our ISP both TCP and UDP are open the following
something is missing?
thanks for your help
Best regards,