Dear all,

is there some kind of decission about the screen sharing/scaling stuff ?

I quote Maxim to describe the problem for the ones who want to read again:

> Actually what I meant by "were used for display purposes" is
>   * userA streams his/her screen at FHD 1920x1080 (but specifies
>     300x900 at sharing dialog)
> as a result
>   * userB receives FHD video 1920x1080, but displays it in a 300x300
>     window 
> as a bonus 300x300 also being used while creating recording, and final
> video is super-ugly
> as a workaround i can limit screen-sharing display pod by let's say
> 90% of viewport (visible browser area)
> would it be OK?

Have fun and many thanks ...


On 20/11/2020 15:12, kaffeesurrogat wrote:
> Dear all,
> I messed up the thread. Thus a new subject. Sorry for that.
> I'm trying to summerize:
> On the build
> Name
> OpenMeetings
> Version
> 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT
> Revision
> b9b202a
> Build date
> 2020-11-18T09:35:56Z
> the possibility to enter the width and height of the screen share is
> missing, when i start a screen share.
> I guess it is intendend.
> Maxim said those numbers did do nothing (see thread: [DISCUSSION]
> release current 5.1.0 as 5.0.2)
> I double checked on build:
> Meet,OpenMeetings
> Version
> 5.0.0-M5-SNAPSHOT
> Revision
> c5c0381
> Build date
> 2020-05-30T05:54:17Z
> see attached screenshots
> Those numbers scale the shared window on the receiving side. This
> feature was a great thing ....
> Now I am confused ;-)
> My english is quit lousy, guess i did not explain my self very well ....
> but i've attached a few screenshoots ....
> On 5.1.0 the drag and drag button is not displayed any longer, cause the
> screen share is scaled to big.
> Many thanks and sorry Maxim for messing with the thread, sending
> messages in private, i'm really a lousy user of thunderbird,
> kaffeesurrogat

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