OM restart was required due to this bug
since M5 - KMS can be restarted separately

TURN is "external" service for us, so it can be restarted any time

On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 03:41, Juan Antonio Moreno Carmona <>

> Hi Martin.
> Basically there are three processes necessary for openmeeetings to work
> properly. These are the turn server, kurento-media-server and openmeetings
> itself. Depending on how you have installed them, you'll have several ways
> to check if they are running properly.
> Let's start with the turn server. If you installed the coturn package, you
> can probably check its status with the command:
> systemctl status turnserver
> On my server I get the following:
> juan@vmi378786 ~ $ systemctl status turnserver
> ● turnserver.service - STUN and TURN relay server for VoIP and WebRTC
>      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/turnserver.service; enabled;
> vendor preset: disabled)
>      Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-05-10 19:00:01 CEST; 2 days
> ago
>     Process: 324798 ExecStart=/usr/bin/turnserver -c
> /etc/turnserver/turnserver.conf -o -v (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
>    Main PID: 324799 (turnserver)
>       Tasks: 15 (limit: 36105)
>      Memory: 12.7M
>      CGroup: /system.slice/turnserver.service
>              └─324799 /usr/bin/turnserver -c
> /etc/turnserver/turnserver.conf -o -v
> may 10 19:00:01 systemd[1]: Starting STUN and
> TURN relay server for VoIP and WebRTC...
> may 10 19:00:01 systemd[1]: Started STUN and
> TURN relay server for VoIP and WebRTC.
> You don't need to be root to run this command. In case of problems, you
> can restart this process with the following command but now you'll need to
> be root:
> sudo systemctl restart turnserver
> or stop it with
> sudo systemctl stop turnserver
> The log file for turn server is probably /var/log/turnserver.log or
> /var/log/turnserver/turnserver.log. But it is also possible that you have
> more than one file there. Maybe one file per day.
> I have installed kurento-media-server as a docker container and surely
> this is not your case. I suppose you can use the same commands as before
> for the case of coturn.
> systemctl status kurento-media-server
> or
> sudo systemctl restart kurento-media-server
> Regards.
> El 12/5/20 a las 20:00, Chamberland, Martin escribió:
> One of our users re receive that message  when trying to enable his camera
> and mic.
> We fix the problem restarting completely Tomcat with  “/etc/init.d/tomcat3
> restart”
> 2 questions here: (we are gonna look in the catalina.out log and try to
> find the cause, but).
> Is there another process (only) we can restart beside restart Tomcat ?
> We’v try  /etc/init.d/kurento-media-server   without success.
> Is there some process for MediaServer that we can watch (with Nagios) to
> make sure it’s up and running and ca react before users find the problem.
> Thank’s
> Martin C.

Best regards,

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