I did a new installation just to be sure, got the same error, but a restart oft he server fixed it. Thank you for the help. Now the problem is, that the connection to the media server fails and it starts to reconnect – most of the times this doesn’t work. I’ve tried different browsers (firefox, edge (latest), chrome) and get the same behaviour. Any idea? Regards, Elisabeth Von: Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> Gesendet: Montag, 4. Mai 2020 16:33 An: Openmeetings user-list <user@openmeetings.apache.org> Betreff: Re: kurento.MediaPipeline not found Hello, this error has been reported previously The solution was: restart everything, ensure there is only one KMS and only one OM running On Mon, 4 May 2020 at 13:36, Alvaro <zurca...@gmail.com <mailto:zurca...@gmail.com> > wrote: ...if you are in Ubuntu 18.04 ................. El lun, 04-05-2020 a las 08:35 +0200, Alvaro escribió: Elisabeth, do you install and configure Coturn? Here is a tuto for this: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/27838216/Installation%20SSL%20certificates%20and%20Coturn%20for%20OpenMeetings%205.0.0-M4%20on%20Ubuntu%2018.04.pdf <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/27838216/Installation%20SSL%20certificates%20and%20Coturn%20for%20OpenMeetings%205.0.0-M4%20on%20Ubuntu%2018.04.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1587558435000&api=v2> ...from the step 5. Alvaro ........................ El lun, 04-05-2020 a las 08:23 +1200, seba.wag...@gmail.com <mailto:seba.wag...@gmail.com> escribió: Hi Elisabeth, what version of Kurento (and OM) are you running? Thanks, Seb Sebastian Wagner https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastianwagner/ <https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/da4e8828-743d-4968-af6f-49033f10d60a/public_url> <https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/b7e709c6-aa87-4b02-9faf-099038475e36/public_url> On Mon, 4 May 2020 at 08:20, Elisabeth Arnold <elisabeth.arn...@landshut.org <mailto:elisabeth.arn...@landshut.org> > wrote: Hi, I’ve installed the openmeetings server now a second time – after screwing up my first, nicely running installation by trying to be too clever. Now it runs again but I am getting the following error „Failed to start broadcast: Object 'f8ea123c-d0da-40a2-9339-516c027e6b58_kurento.MediaPipeline' not found (Code:40101, Type:null, Data: {"type":"MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND"})“ whenever I try to switch on my microphone. Is it a small mistake or shall I start all over? Regards, Elisabeth -- Best regards, Maxim