Hello, possibly my little Problem is "by Design", but I've found no Documentation or Comment, so I'm a bit lost.
I have Openmeetings 5.0.0-M3 up and running with OpenLDAP as Authentification Server. On Login new Users are created, LDAP Groups in appropriate OU are assigned - so far I'm happy. If I add a User to another LDAP-Group, it gets assigned (and the Group is created if it is not existing). Now I would expect, if I remove the User from a (already in OM assigned) LDAP Group, the Group assignment would disappear, but in OM User Management the User remains in the Group. My Question: is this behavior caused by my Configuration, is it a Bug or is it "as expected"? Not all my LDAP-Users should be able to use OM. Is it possible to use a LDAP-Group (e.g. OM-Allow) to grant Access to OM? Preferably as a Query or Filter in LDAP configuration File. Best Regards Thomas