You are right with the second command. It is only valid if you have
installed kurento as a docker container. As for the first one, it is
valid for any distribution that uses systemd. I use it with Archlinux
but I think that any updated distribution also has systemd
El 21/4/20 a las 18:24, Maxim Solodovnik escribió:
Those commands are for Ubuntu
KMS is not dockerized in this case :)
On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 23:22, Juan Antonio Moreno Carmona
<> wrote:
I use the unit file included openmeetings.service with a little editing.
Then I copy it to /usr/lib/systemd/system/ and run the following command:
sudo systemctl enable openmeetings.service
To make the service start on every server startup. As for kurento you
can start it with the following command
docker run -dit --restart always kms
El 21/4/20 a las 15:35, Maxim Solodovnik escribió:
On Ubuntu you can use this script for OM
(bundled with OM 5.0.0.x)
And use
`sudo update-rc.d kurento-media-server defaults`
On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 20:32, K. Kamhamea <> wrote:
Whenever I reboot I have to restart kurento and tomcat manually.
(Of couse I do this as a cron-job)
@reboot /etc/init.d/tomcat3 start
@reboot /etc/init.d/kurento-media-server start
But is someone out there who can create a proper service file as described for
tomcat here:
I thing this is more convenient and up-to-date for the current Ubuntu versions
in use.
Thanks K.