Well, if you have docker installed, what is the result of the below command? Copy all four lines at once and paste them into a terminal. The result should be that docker downloads the latest available version of kurento, installs it and runs it. Take care of changing the installation path of openmeetings if it's not /opt/open504.


sudo docker run -d --name kms -p 8888:8888 --mount type=bind,\
target=/opt/open504/webapps/openmeetings/data \


If the above command works, then you can check that kurento is started and listening with the following command

curl -i -N \
    -H "Connection: Upgrade" \
    -H "Upgrade: websocket" \
    -H "Host:" \
    -H "Origin:" \

Once again, copy all six lines at once and paste them into a terminal. The result should be:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: WebSocket++/0.7.0

I suppose you have curl installed. If not, you can install it with:

yum install curl

El 16/4/20 a las 9:19, ratatouille escribió:

Juan Antonio Moreno Carmona <jam...@gmail.com> schrieb am 15.04.20 um 17:51:29 

@Andreas, I dont use Centos but if you can install docker, then it's
easy to install kurento.

So, can you do following?

yum install docker
I have docker installed like that. But I struggle on understanding
what is needed then. As I understand, docker is a containersolution
like virtualbox for example.

But how do I call docker to install kurento? I assume I need an image
of kurento but where to get it from. The kurento site only discribes
installation with apt. Like Zenon mentioned they are focused on

Can someone describe the steps to install via docker and what is


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