Hi Robin,
Welcome to OpenMeetings.
Is three forums of OpenMeetings: english, russian and spanish.
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Respect to Apache web server is not needed.You can build the free Let's
Encrypt certificates followingthis guide:
...and the result will be in 5443 port secure:
...with this the browsers will have not any warning.
Here can find differents OpenMeetings installation guides, live isoand
OVA files:
Best regards


El lun, 13-04-2020 a las 10:05 -0600, Robin Sun escribió:
> Hi Alvaro,First, your tutorial Installation of Apache OpenMeeting
> 5.0.0-M3 on Ubuntu 18.04 lts is excellent. I have made my local lab
> server and VPS server work.
> I've installed open503 on a digital ocean droplet. It works great.
> However, the web browsers will warn me of the unsecure website. I
> have to install a self-signed certificate to by pass the port 443
> warning. But I could not find the /etc/apache2 folder where ssl
> config file is located.
> I believe by default Digital Ocean droplet does not install Apache.
> Correct me if I am wrong, The openmeetings installation would take
> care of installing the Apache webserver engine. The webserver is
> running actively on the VPS.
> My question is:
> 1. should I reinstall the Apache so that it will create all the
> folders and files in /etc/apache2?
> 2. Using a self signed certificate instead of CA signed certificate,
> would it get ride of the browser warnings?
> I have just started playing with Openmeetings. I think it's a great
> video conferencing platform. Once I am comfortable with the system, I
> would like to participate in this.
> BTW, is there a forum for Openmeetings?
> Cheers.
> -- 
> Robin C.W. Sun

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