Hello Maxim,

I think hard about your roadway to implement my wish "link with room-name instead of room-ID".

In my opinion it's not necessary that you make such a lot of work for this feature.
It will be enough when you "only" expand the processing of the link.

Currently it processes e.g.
- ...5443/openmeetings/#room/46 -> call a room with user-login)
- ...5443/openmeetings/hash?invitation=83a94e03-4b72-4983-b178-e14575260b12&language=2 -> call a room with an invitation

My suggestion: Please add a new processing,
e.g. "...5443/openmeetings/#roomname/ROOMNAME" (or something like that)

After you detect this parameter identify the room-ID of that ROOMNAME. And when its unique you have the number to make your "normal" process further.

(Maybe its a great idea to write this in the great new manual. I think there are another people who made a permanant link on the desktop of their CEO's - like me. And it is less funny to  go there after every update of OM to modify the room-number.)

With best regards,


Am 11.04.2020 um 04:15 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:

    I don't want to make a backup/restore cause the room-ID ever
    changes. That is for me a nogo.
    I'm waiting urgent the feature "link with room-name" instead of
    room-ID (I put it in JIRA).

I'm afraid this will be too much changes for M4 due to
1) Additional DB column have to be added (the form already have plenty of columns :( )
2) the values for this column should be unique if not empty
3) backup restore should be tuned to correctly work with possible duplicated values 4) link generation should be updated to generate links with name (if present)
5) link parser should parse both names and numbers

    Best regards,


    Am 10.04.2020 um 17:42 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
    Should be fixed
    Please use build #3112+

    On Fri, 10 Apr 2020 at 22:15, Maxim Solodovnik
    <solomax...@gmail.com <mailto:solomax...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I can confirm this
        will try to fix ASAP

        On Fri, 10 Apr 2020 at 22:09, R. Scholz
        <mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de>> wrote:


            I have problems with clearing the whiteboard during a

            When I do this with the first icon "garbage can" then the
            whiteboard is
            not empty.

            Please, can anybody test following:

            - a webinar/conference (I do it with one viewer in
            another browser)
            - put something on wihiteboard (in my case ppt-file)
            - clear whiteboard with the icon "garbage can"

            After that I see the last page of my ppt-file (presenter
            and viewer).
            When I press F5 (presenter, reload) all seems looking OK.
            The whiteboard
            is emty.
            At the viewer-client nothing happen. I have to reload (F5).

            I use: 5.0.0-M4-SNAPSHO, Revision 47fe95a,Builddate
            Iuse Firefox, my Test-Viewer use Chrome.

            Best regards,


-- Best regards,

-- Best regards,

Best regards,

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