Dis you check this Manual? https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENMEETINGS/OpenMeetings+5+Manual
I wrote a section about SSL where I answered exactly that question. The instruction you used is outdated though. Let me know If you have some suggestions for improvement. K. Am Fr., 10. Apr. 2020 um 16:52 Uhr schrieb ratatouille < ratatoui...@bitclusive.de>: > Hello! > > I exported existing letsencrypt certificate into PKCS12 format. That went > well. > > Then I imported resulting red5.p12 into keystore, fine. > > Executing > keytool -import -alias root -keystore /home/andreas/om/conf/keystore.jks > -trustcacerts -file /home/andreas/rootcert.pem > > gives an error after entering the password: > Keytool-Fehler: java.io.IOException: Keystore was tampered with, or > password was incorrect > > Surely the password is correct. > > Does somebody has a hint for me? > > Andreas >