Such script is possible
But please use it with care :)

On Thu, 9 Apr 2020 at 03:45, Zenon Panoussis <> wrote:
> On 4/8/20 12:00 PM, Robert Savickas wrote:
> > 1) is it possible to add users from a file that contains their information,
> > rather than one-by-one. If I have 50 students in class, or more, it would
> > be more efficient to use a file.
> You could try the following, it might work and it might not. **Make
> a full dump with create statements of your OM database before you
> try it.**
> INSERT INTO address (country,email) VALUES ('US','');
> INSERT INTO om_user 
> (deleted,inserted,displayName,firstname,forceTimeZoneCheck,language_id,lastname,login,regdate,show_contact_data,show_contact_data_to_contacts,time_zone_id,type,address_id)
>  SELECT b'0',NOW(),'Robert 
> Savickas','Robert',b'0','1','Savickas','robertsavickas',NOW(),b'0',b'0','America/Los_Angeles','USER',
>  id from address where email = '';
> If this achieves what you need, you can script the creation of the
> SQL statements with awk from a CSV.
> Cheers,
> Z

Best regards,

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