Documentation is updated (will be published with next release)

On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 07:41, Maxim Solodovnik <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I assume you are using M3
> On Sat, 28 Mar 2020 at 23:22, Orm Finnendahl <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  we successfully installed openmeetings on our server but have some
>> issues regarding integration with our ldap authentication server.
>> LDAP:
>> 1. The location of the file om_ldap.cfg is unclear:
>>    The example file is located in
>>    /opt/open503/webapps/openmeetings/data/conf/
>>    but the online documentation states it should be in
>>    /opt/open503/webapps/openmeetings/conf/
>>    What is the right location?
> ***/data/conf is correct
> I'll try to update
> please fill free to file JIRA:
>> 2. The config file says:
>>    #ConfigKey 'ldap_config_path' must be set in DataBase Configuration
>>    # of OM and point to this file
>>    I can't find that entry anywhere. Can someone help?
> This is really old comment
> I believe it means:
> you have to set the name of the file (with extention) at
> Admin->Ldap->Config file name
> and save :)
>> 3. What has to be filled in the ldap_admin_dn? We tried the following
>>    which uses a new created user in our ldap (without heightened
>>    privileges):
>>    ldap_admin_dn=cn=openmeetings,dc=selma,dc=hfmdk-frankfurt,dc=de
>>    ldap_passwd=<secret-passwd-omitted>
> admin_dn is used to perform user search (ldap_auth_type=SEARCHANDBIND)
> (according to my tests it works much stable than SIMPLEBIND)
>> 4. What has to be put into the Web Form at Administration/LDAP? I made
>>    an entry and entered "openmeetings" as Name, enabled it and called
>>    the config file name "om_ldap.cfg", saved it and hit reload. I can
>>    still see no users when trying to invite participants or log in
>>    with any of our ldap users.
> Well,
> I'm afraid it works slightly different
> ATM LDAP is used to unify login only (like OAuth: if you will log-in with
> Google account it will not let you to search google users)
> You can use command line admin to import LDAP user into OM DB, this way
> search will work
> This can be improved
> But I believe some questions should be answered first:
> 1) is the performance will be enough
> 2) how LDAP and DB results shoul be combined
>> 5. Are there any logs to check in order to determine what goes wrong?
> Everything is logged into openmeetings.log :)
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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