I'll try to check current OM with my old Android :) (don't have other
mobiles, and have no idea how any reported issues can be
reproduced/fixed :(( )

Charts are being rendered using separate library right now
Kendo/Bootstrap/*SomethingElse* will be used for all other components
Dashboard/Admin/Room etc.

What are show-stoppers to release 5.0.0 without M?

On Thu, 12 Dec 2019 at 14:52, Peter Dähn <da...@vcrp.de> wrote:
> Hi Maxim,
> first of all, thank you for the excellent work so far.
> We need to test the release in detail. Integration works since
> yesterday. So we are able to make a larger test.
> Kendo-ui core (https://github.com/telerik/kendo-ui-core) comes without
> any chart. We need to take in account, that we want to improve polls
> later on. Just to keep this in mind.
> And one thing, I would suggest before release without "M"...
> It is possible to use OM with mobile phones by now. We need to create a
> mobile view somehow. By now it is "just" "responsive" but far away from
> usable. Tablet (anything above 10") is fine, but small screens are not
> that funny.
> I think at least it is necessary to have some classes (hooks) to use
> custom.css or dedicated custom_mobile.css. I think this is the minimum.
> Better would be a build in, well designed and tested mobile view. This
> should also stop the "app discussion".
> Unfortunately I'm not an UI expert. Maybe someone here can help to
> figure out, how it could work and what need to be done.
> This is the first thing. I think later we will find more details after
> we made a more detailed test.
> Greetings Peter
> Am 11.12.19 um 17:07 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > The VOTE on new releases has been started
> > Time to discuss what areas of OM should be improved next :)
> >
> > 0*) improve audio/video stability
> > 1) https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-2010
> > 2) https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-2072
> > 3) https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-2021
> > 4) TBD
> >
> > Last but definitely not least: OM UI is based on jquery-ui which seems
> > to be NOT maintained (latest release Sep 14, 2016)
> > I propose to move to
> > 1) https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui (the migration should be easy,
> > we already using date-time picker from this library)
> > 2) https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components
> >
> > WDYT?
> >

Maxim aka solomax

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