I am trying to set  up a room  using OM API  gateway and enter it .  We had it  working in OM  4.7  but  with the new  OM 5   we seem to be having problems:

This is what I see in the  Browser


Am I   using it correctly.  Am  I   missing *something for language* ?

  This  is   the soap  call  print_r  result:

"; print_R($openmeetingswidget);die();

`/var/www/moodle/mod/tutorship/view.php:1422: object(tutorshiproom)[75] public 'om' => array (size=23) 'id' => int 40 'name' => string 'Teacher: tdavid elm Topic: Topic 1 SessionID: 132' (length=49) 'comment' => string 'Created by SOAP-Gateway:Teacher: tdavid elm Topic: Topic 1 SessionID: 132' (length=73) 'type' => string 'conference' (length=10) 'capacity' => int 64 'appointment' => boolean false 'isPublic' => boolean true 'demo' => boolean false 'closed' => boolean false 'externalId' => string 'null' (length=4) 'externalType' => string 'moodle' (length=6) 'redirectUrl' => string '' (length=0) 'moderated' => int 1 'allowUserQuestions' => boolean true 'allowRecording' => int 1 'waitForRecording' => boolean false 'audioOnly' => boolean false 'files' => array (size=3) 'id' => int 49 'fileId' => int 59 'wbIdx' => int 1 'teacher' => string '1' (length=1) 'is_moderated_room' => int 1 'room_id' => int 40 'whole_window' => int 1 'chat_hidden' => int 0 tutorshiproom Object ( [om] => Array ( [id] => 40 [name] => Teacher: tdavid elm Topic: Topic 1 SessionID: 132 [comment] => Created by SOAP-Gateway:Teacher: tdavid elm Topic: Topic 1 SessionID: 132 [type] => conference [capacity] => 64 [appointment] => [isPublic] => 1 [demo] => [closed] => [externalId] => null [externalType] => moodle [redirectUrl] => [moderated] => 1 [allowUserQuestions] => 1 [allowRecording] => 1 [waitForRecording] => [audioOnly] => [files] => Array ( [id] => 49 [fileId] => 59 [wbIdx] => 1 )

|[teacher] => 1 [is_moderated_room] => 1 [room_id] => 40 [whole_window] => 1 [chat_hidden] => 0 ) |


Anything  here  missing or  incorrectly  configured?



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