
I can't believe that nobody is interesting in that feature.
For me its important .

Hm, but on the other side I have to accept it, if nobody write something.

Best regards,


Am 06.09.2019 um 07:46 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
Hello Rene,

It is definitely possible
I just would like to get input from other users: would it be OK to make this change?

On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 at 12:44, René Scholz <rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de <mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de>> wrote:

    Hello Maxim,

    I will be very happy if you are able to raise my hope: Is it
    possible to bring the shared program on screen without mouse-click?

    With best regards,


    Am 04.09.2019 um 07:21 schrieb R. Scholz:
    Hello Maxim,

    with the "black screen" we supposed that. But, I say that, in
    sharing the whole screen is OK.

    With the "sharing-icon" its a bigger problem (for me). The most
    users of present are so sensitized that they not click.
    In the past I spent a lot of time to explain when I want a
    remote-access with TeamViewer. The remote-access is not the
    problem, they need help, its the question (under windows) at the
    start from TeamViewer ("UAC") to allow the access.
    This global UAV-warnings are so miserable.  Some of users refuse
    to click on "Yes".
    (OK, it is clear that TeamViewer want Admin-rights.)
    I hear from a lot of people that the IT-Department of their
    organisations give directives to not-click in a browser on anything
    which is not well known.

    When it is possible it will be very nice to open the
    sharing-screen automatically when the moderator give it free. In
    my opinion
    the moderator featured his presentation himself, and the user
    looking without interaction.

    Whats the meaning of the other?

    Best regards,


    Am 04.09.2019 um 05:30 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
    Hello Rene,

    I'll try to answer point by point :)

    */"older Delphi-program its not possible, the client only
    receive a black screen"/* - actually browser performs screen-sharing
    So i guess there are some limitation on Windows (most probably
    something with graphics/overlay)

    */"when I transfer the screen in the client-browser only the
    sharing-icon appears"/* - right now this icon blinks to attract
    user's attention
    Screen-sharing window is usually huge this is why user can close
    it any time and re-open by clicking same icon
    Maybe sort of "text info popup" can help?

    On Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 20:54, René Scholz
    <mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de>> wrote:

        Hello Maxim,

        I try to share a program.

        With an older Delphi-program its not possible, the client
        only receive a
        black screen. We have this one year ago and
        you said that came from Kurento. But thats no problem, when
        I select the
        whole screen it works. Its not the best solution, but it works.

        One thing that bother is when I transfer the screen in the
        client-browser only the sharing-icon appears.
        I (moderator) have to communicate that the person who view the
        presentation have to click on it and allow the question.
        In germany no user click on an question to allow anything -
        I have a big
        problem with it.
        Many persons not find the icon (right top corner is
        difficult to find)
        or they dont allow and switch off.

        Please, can you find a solution that the sharing-window
        appears without
        click on the icon? I mean, the moderator show what he want.

        Best regards,


-- WBR
    Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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