One final question... I have OM working on an AWS instance using ssl certificates etc and everything seems to be going well, though I still need to test out a few more things. I have Moodle set up on a different instance (without an ssl certificate at the moment, so just http://...).... when I set up a OM activity on Moodle, I am brought to OM, as expected...from within the Moodle platform but experience similar errors that I got prior to putting an ssl certificate on the OM instance... does this mean I have to put an ssl cert on the Moodle instance also in order for everything to work as it does on my current OM instance? Hope this makes sense.
Either way, I will test it again tomorrow. All the best. Denis. <> Virus-free. <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>