Are there any errors in browser console and/or in
openmeetings.log/catalina.out ?

On Wed, 22 May 2019 at 19:11, Aaron Hepp <> wrote:

> Yes should of been a little clearer.  apache web server is doing the proxy
> just as talked about before when was doing it with OM4.
> Apache web server is doing the https and then doing the proxy to the om
> instance on the same server to port 5080
> Access is from a browser.  I see the proxy is working as if you just go to
> you will get the redirect message that is in
> /opt/om/webapps/ROOT/index.html and it sends you to
> but once there you see the logo
> and the heading in the top left hand corner but the install dialog box is
> never displayed.  Go to the same but to the port directly
> and everything is displayed as normal.
> What I haven't tried was going through the install using port 5080 and
> then seeing if it works after that once it is configured.
> On 5/22/19 1:47 AM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
> Hmmm
> By "Apache frontend" do you mean "Apache httpd set up as proxy"?
> Who is doing https?
> Are you accessing OM via https in browser?
> On Wed, 22 May 2019 at 01:13, Aaron Hepp <> wrote:
>> We got a new VPS stood up Ubuntu 18.04 and was configuring for more
>> testing on OM5.  Configured everything with the apache frontend just as
>> OM4.  Went to the page redirection works fine bring up the install?3
>> (reloaded a few times to see if it was something in the browser) but the
>> page is blank.  The logo shows and Heading shows, but the rest of the page
>> is blank.  If I go around the rediection by going directly to the port it
>> comes up fine.
>> Am I missing a step on this one that is different from frontending OM4?
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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