Hello Team,

I have installed the Openmeeting server on the localhost on Ubuntu 18.04
*The details of the packages I installed are:*
openmeetings =  5.0.0-M1
Kurento-media-server version = 6.10.0-0kurento1.18.04
ghostscript = 9.26~dfsg+0-0ubuntu0.18.04
ffmpeg version  = 4.1
Moodle 3.5

*My Issue is:*
I have problem with log in to openmeetings server
moodle.  I got these debugging messages.

*Fault (Service error) **Request OpenMeetings! OpenMeetings Service failed
and no response was returned.*

Also, I  am getting 500 error back from OM if try to call any webservice
throw browser.

I am hitting this url from browser


So its shows *500 - Internal server error* page instead of JSON response on

Also  not able to generate openmeeting log file in log folder.
Please help me to resolved this issue.

Thanks & Regards
Dnyaneshwar I. Karamunge
Mobile : +91 9405691289
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/dnyaneshwar-karamunge-25227645/>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/dkaramunge>

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