Hello all,

I like the idea of the counter. It tells the people "Everything is
fine... just wait... ". We had a discussion about looped audio for
moderated rooms. I think this would also help none moderators. It is
just a way to say "Don't panic" everything works as expected...

If the system doesn't assist in that way you need to fake it somehow.
Additional Whiteboard with a welcome page, etc... The only showstopper
here is the missing action.. no counter, no elevator music...

Greetings Peter

Am 22.05.19 um 08:11 schrieb R. Scholz:
> Hello Maxim,
> thank you for your idea.
> If the community wants it - only Peter wrote a comment that he means
> it is a good idea.
> You wrote:
> /If I do understand correctly what you are requesting: room should be
> unusable before moderator will enter/
> That is right so far. Not only unusable, the guests are only viewer
> and can do nothing (except Chat), unvisible the main screen too.
> I wish:
> - if room is moderated
> - if no moderator (from the list in room-configuration) is in room
> all members see a static screen.
> For example here is a link:
> https://www.hetkamp-edv.de/fileadmin/_processed_/b/5/csm_004_gotoMeetingStartbildschirm_984b00c52b.png
> (That is not a "picture of my dreams", but an example.)
> An idea, when it is possible:
> - an uploaded image, maybe a logo.
> - an free editing text
> - a counter who countdown the time to a beginning-time
> OK, I know that is a lot. I will be happy if you can implement the
> first part: "no mod - no content"
> With best regards,
> René
> Am 22.05.2019 um 06:28 schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:
>> Hello Rene,
>> Right now OM has similar functionality
>> In case non-moderator enters the room before moderator
>> IF room is moderated AND NOT of type presentation (not sure why room
>> type is being checked here)
>> he/she will get "Please wait for moderator" dialog
>> IF room is not moderated first user will be moderator OR can get
>> moderation by request
>> If I do understand correctly what you are requesting: room should be
>> unusable before moderator will enter
>> Do I understand correctly?
>> Is this request supported by community?
>> On Mon, 20 May 2019 at 01:57, R. Scholz
>> <rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de
>> <mailto:rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de>> wrote:
>>     Hello,
>>     a few weeks ago I ask a similar question already.
>>     Yesterday I had a webinar. I logged in 5 minutes before beginning.
>>     And I see a picture with a little (nice and funny) image and a timer
>>     that it begins in 5 minutes.
>>     2 Minutes before beginning the moderator enters the room and the
>>     picture
>>     switch to the "normal webinar-screen".
>>     That was very nice.
>>     Is it possible something like that :
>>     a switch in the room-settings: "moderated room, only visible when
>>     moderator is logged in".
>>     When the moderator is not into the room an image is shown (user
>>     definded) with a text (user definded).
>>     No moderator - picture. At the minimum 1 moderator: Room.
>>     In my opinion this could be nice.
>>     With best regards,
>>     René
>> -- 
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax

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