Can you drop down to su before running the tomcat3 script?

On 4/14/19 11:04 AM, Stefan Kühl wrote:

I use the newer one, but checked both of them.

I have no idea, it seems like a connection problem concerning rights or something like that.



Am 14.04.2019 16:43, schrieb Aaron Hepp:

Last thing I can think of...which mysql connector are you using?  My Ubuntu 16.04 OM5 install is still using the old 5.1.45.  I never replaced it with the 5.1.47.   If you followed the instructions for the 18.04 OM5 install it is using the 8.0.15.   That is if you are using Ubuntu.

The version we have used:
5.1.45.jar (what I am currently running)

On 4/14/19 10:29 AM, Stefan Kühl wrote:

Hello Aaron,

checked the mysql_persistence.xml twice and added the name of the database. Still same problem. mysql is up and running, connection via cli works with given credentials.
Rebooted, still same error message.

Purged mariadb-server, reinstall it, new database created, nothing.....same error message.

Checked mysql port 3306 -> listening for

I'am through.....

Greetz Stefan

Am 14.04.2019 15:16, schrieb Aaron Hepp:

    I had the same problem but mine was a database that filed to
    build correctly.  So I dropped the database and recreated it.

    But 1st I would check your mysql_persistence.xml file

    Make sure your database name is defined in the file.

    <property name="openjpa.ConnectionProperties"
    value="DriverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver      ,
    , MaxActive=100      , MaxWait=10000      ,
    TestOnBorrow=true      , poolPreparedStatements=true      ,
    Username=      , Password="/>

    On 4/14/19 7:58 AM, Stefan Kühl wrote:


        Running the web installer, in the part mysql it says:

        Could not create connection to database server. Attempted
        reconnect 3 times. Giving up.

        mariadb-server works fine, all privileges are set. Try
        different tables. Don't work.

        With the old installation it works without problems.

        Any ideas?



        Am 14.04.2019 13:04, schrieb Stefan Kühl:

            yes, got it.
            I use a script to renew my letsencrypt certificates
            which use also .jks. copy the keystore.jks to keystore
            and it works. ;-)


            Am 14.04.2019 12:38, schrieb Aaron Hepp:

                also note that in OM4 it used keystore.jks where in
                OM5 it is just keystore.  It may not be necessary
                but I create a new keystore file each time I renew
                my cert via letsencrypt.

                Below is the commands I use to generate the cert and

                letsencrypt certonly
                ****with OM not running select 1
                ****enter your domain name example:

                ****I store my cert and files in a folder called ssl
                to make it simpler when typing the commands to
                generate the keystore
                cd /opt/files/ssl
                ****copy the generated cert, key, and root to the
                ssl folder and rename
                cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/
                cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/
                cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/

                **** delete the existing keystore file (in my
                example my OM install is in a folder called om5)
                **** also deletes the generated files when creating
                the keystore (.p12)
                rm /opt/files/ssl/red5.p12
                rm /opt/om5/conf/keystore

                ****create new keystore source file (will ask you to
                create a password which will be used in the creation)
                openssl pkcs12 -export -in red5.crt -inkey red5.key
                -out red5.p12 -name red5 -certfile root.crt

                **** create new keystore (password is the password
                you used in the above step example:  password. This
                is all one line)
                keytool -importkeystore -srcstorepass _password
                _-srckeystore red5.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12
                -deststorepass_password_ -destkeystore
                /opt/om5/conf/keystore -alias red5

                **** add the root certificate (will ask for the
                password you used in the 1st step)
                keytool -import -alias root -keystore
                /opt/om5/conf/keystore -trustcacerts -file root.crt

                ****your new keystore has now been created.  Now the
                password you used in step one, make sure you change
                the password in the /opt/om5/conf/server.xml file to
                match what you used

                ****section where password goes
                <Connector port="5443"
                               maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true"
                keystorePass="_password_"  <-------------
                               clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/>

                There are other ways to accomplish the goal but I
                found this to be the easiest when trying to explain
                it via typing.

                On 4/14/19 5:36 AM, Stefan Kühl wrote:


                    try to update my 4.0.4 running on apache2 to
                    version 5.0

                    but I cannot connect to web-installer, because
                    of insecure connection (using HSTS). I copied
                    all the neccessary certifiacte files into the
                    new OM folder. Is there any other differenz I
                    need to take care of in using Apache2 instead of



                    Am 14.04.2019 10:36, schrieb Stefan Kühl:

                        Morning@ everybody,

                        tested it three times. Installation of kms
                        directly on a 18.04. LTS Ubuntu works very well.

                        Maybe for Alvaro and his great Tutorials (!)
                        it would be worth to add a paragraph for
                        native installation with the commands:

                        sudo apt update
                        sudo apt install --no-install-recommends
                        --yes gnupg #to be sure that gnupg is installed#
                        DISTRO="bionic" #verify the name of the
                        sudo apt-key adv --keyserver
               --recv-keys 5AFA7A83
                        #in the following we are building the kms
                        sudo tee
                        >/dev/null <<EOF
                        # server answers with > #
                        deb [arch=amd64]
               $DISTRO kms6
                        # server returns to normal prompt #
                        sudo apt update && sudo apt install --yes

                        ## thats all ##



                        Am 09.04.2019 11:36, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik:

                            Hello All,

                            recently new Kurento server with native
                            18.04 support is out [1
                            So overall installation should be more
                            stable :)


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