Hello Maxim, 

sorry for being late. Thank you 

Am 18.09.2018 14:21, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: 

> Did it myself: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-1932 [1] 
> On Mon, 17 Sep 2018 at 10:05, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hello Stefan, 
> it seems there is no objections 
> Could you please file JIRA regarding this? 
> On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 16:00, Stefan Kühl <ste...@quatrekuehl.eu> wrote: 
> Hello Maxim, 
> got it ;-) I was a little bit confused, because I set up a conference room 
> which is not public. If I entered the room the microphone option is not 
> active. After your last answer I've checked all other conference rooms and I 
> realized that you are right (of course). Well, all I've done afterwords was: 
> choose again the room type (click and mark conference room again) and it 
> works ;-) Hilarious! 
> Ok, to keep the discussion ongoing: I think the "autoselect if not explicitly 
> denied" way should be the default setting! It is easier for inexperienced 
> users. 
> ;-) 
> BTW: Thanks for your work and the update to 4.0.5! Looking for the update 
> this evening. Again -> thanks a lot! 
> Bye 
> Stefan 
> Am 06.09.2018 10:38, schrieb Maxim Solodovnik: 
> Hello Stefan, 
> Audio/Video will start automatically in the room of type "conference" 
> IF user already set up camera/microphone 
> This is actually the place for DISCUSSION 
> Currently both camera and microphone are treated as "Disabled" if they 
> weren't explicitly allowed 
> This can be changed, we can autoselect first camera/mic it it wasn't 
> explicitly denied 
> WDYT? 
> On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 13:02, Stefan Kühl <ste...@quatrekuehl.eu> wrote: 
> Hi @all, 
> I set up a new room and I didn't find the auto set microphone option like it 
> is in the room "Conference room with microphone option set". 
> All I want is, that the microphone starts automatically and asks für 
> permission in this little "Avatar" field. 
> Thanks and Greetings! 
> Stefan 
> -- 
> Maxim aka solomax


Maxim aka solomax 


Maxim aka solomax 

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-1932

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