Hi Siovel,
worked for me out of the box... No idea what went wrong.
Greetings Peter
Am 11.07.2018 um 23:34 schrieb Siovel Rodriguez:
HiPeter Dähn, I'm trying to prove OM in Puffin browser in Android on
my Wifi. But Puffin always says "No Network". Is any additional
configuration necessary? the other browsers work without problems so
there is connection.
El mié., 27 jun. 2018 a las 2:51, Peter Dähn (<da...@vcrp.de
<mailto:da...@vcrp.de>>) escribió:
Hi there,
I made a try with puffin browser (free version). Works so far on
Android. Puffin is installable on iOS too, so it should work too...
(works also with flash only versions)
Greetings Peter