Hello Maciej, Form the beginning of time OM was not deleting various DB objects but mark them "deleted" and hide Since May 2018 we can't just mark users as deleted, we also need a way to ensure all sensitive personal data is purged
This is why we now have 2 buttons 1 delete: it marks user as deleted 2 purge: it marks user as deleted AND replaces all sensitive data with some random text On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 12:43 PM Maciej Godlewski < maciej.godlew...@umb.edu.pl> wrote: > Hello, > > When I try to delete user from Administration --> Users, user not want > to remove, id stays same, and user i s Purged witch some garbage data, > > Any resolve this bug ? > > > Regards, > > > Maciej Godlewski > > > > Niniejsza wiadomosc oraz jej zalaczniki moga zawierac informacje chronione > prawem. Jesli Panstwo nie jestescie adresatem tej wiadomosci, prosimy > poinformowac o tym fakcie nadawce i usunac ja wraz z zalacznikami. > Kopiowanie i/lub przesylanie dalej informacji zawartych w tej wiadomosci > przez osoby do tego nieuprawnione jest zabronione. > > > The information in this e-mail may be legally privileged. It is intended > solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is > unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, > copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in > reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. > -- WBR Maxim aka solomax