Hi there,

I will try to explain our problem the more clearly.

When we use our OpenMeeting, suppose 2 persons are connected and talk each 
other, everything is perfect.
They have a good internet connection and they talk for let say 15 minutes with 
almost no latency.

But, if they stay the room open and leave for 1-2 hours and come back later to 
continue to talk. After that period (2 hours).
They have lots of latency, almost 6-7 seconds of delay between real movement 
and sound has this arrive in each other screen.

Maybe we need to change some parameters to get better codecs for video and 

Here i put our settings

flash.cam.quality = 0
flash.echoPath = 0
flash.mic.rate = 44
flash.video.bandwidth = 0
flash.video.codec = h264
flash.video.fps = 30

Maybe someone can provide some tips to inproove our utilisation of OpenMeeting 


Martin C.

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