Hello Peter, This sounds like lots of new testing :( Will try to find time and include it in 4.0.3/4.0.4
(have very limited time right now :( ) Will appreciated any help with testing Would it be OK to perform "final delete" in clean-up widget? i.e. delete will be "soft delete", then in if will push "Clean-up" all soft deleted data will be hard deleted ... Or it doesn't worth to have both? only hard delete will be enough? On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 5:55 PM, Peter Dähn <da...@vcrp.de> wrote: > Hey there, > > new privacy regulations will take place on the 25th May 2018 in Europe. You > could find informations about it by searching for General Data Protection > Regulation (EU) 2016/679. > > To use openmeetings after the 25th of May (in Europe) there need to be a few > changes. We use openmeetings integrated. So I will mainly be focused on the > room. > > I have 3 points that are really necessary: > > 1. User deletion: Datasets of users that will be deleted need to be remove > from the database, not just marked as deleted. Probably it is enough to hash > those fields. > > I think critical fields are in table: > > om_user -> age, externaluserid, firstname, lastname, login, > pictureuri (and picture itself) and sip_user_id > > conferencelog -> email, external_user_id, firstname, lastname, > user_id, userip > > soaplogin -> client_url (contains the ip-address) > > sipusers (here empty so please check) -> defaultuser, host, > ipaddr, name > > address -> email, fax, phone > > chat -> from_name > > e-mail_queue (if not empty) -> recipients, replyto > > 2. There need to be a place to place a (customized) privacy policy. > > 3. Registration-Dialog need to have a button/step to agree the data > processing. And to this belongs a button to disagree. > > > As far as I can see this need to be done in the first place. I'm sure there > are more things to do. Maybe someone can complete it. > > > Greetings Peter -- WBR Maxim aka solomax