Looks like a bug to me
Could you file a JIRA if this is reproducible using latest SNAPSHOT:
https://om.alteametasoft.com:8443/next ?

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 4:40 PM, Aaron Hepp <aaron.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just tested on the demo server and getting the same results of requiring
> needing to have a WB tab open.
> If you enter a room that does not have a WB "tab" open, then you can not
> enable audio or video.  You can click on the icons and it says they are
> enabled but you will not get the "pop up" box previously talked about (see
> 1st image).
> If the room already has a WB tab open then all works as expected, it is
> just if you enter a room when no WB tab open, then it doesn't work.
> Looks like this is only the case if you have not "hidden" the WB element
> in the room settings.  If you hide that element, then it works as
> expected.  With WB element not hidden then you must have a WB tab open
> prior to clicking on the mic/cam functions to have the ability to broadcast
> audio/video.
> I figured that was the reasoning on the pop out boxes as there was no
> other way to control the "audio" of the user.  The minimize function is the
> best part and I normally minimize then and move them to the top of the
> screen.  If you move them too far down then you will create a vertical
> slide bar  as it tries to extend the area for the volume slider extension
> when selected.  Can those elements be relocated to the users section in
> their name; or create a new collapsible area (like the activities area)
> where you place each individuals audio/video breakout box without too much
> code revision?  The new collapsible area would be ideal as that would not
> allow each box to cover up the WB area if it is being used. BBB does it in
> the fashion of the collapsible window along the width of the bottom of the
> screen for the users using cam, not sure how they handle the audio volume
> controls as those do not use breakout boxes and my use with that is very
> limited.
> Not a must have, but just a thought on future release possibilities
> Thank you for your time.
> On 3/11/2018 11:31 PM, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
> Hello Aaron,
> Could you please be more specific on WB issue?
> I just have tested: user can enable audio/video in room with WB completely
> turned off (seems to me works as expected)
> WB tabs can be added/removed only by the users with moderator/presenter
> role, this is by design
> According "pop-out-box"es: I believe these ones are useful cause this is
> the only way to Refresh/Mute/Unmute/Change volume
> I understand your concerns regarding space utilization.
> I thought minimize function can help here ....
> I would appreciate to hear your thoughts how this can be improved
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 1:44 AM, Aaron Hepp <aaron.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have noticed that you must have a whiteboard open for the users or
>> admin to broadcast their mic or cam.  Once in the room and active you can
>> delete the whiteboard and they still function, but any new user into the
>> room can not activate theirs.  I search jira and didn't find anything
>> referencing this so didn't know if it was a requirement or a bug.
>> On the same line is it possible if the user is just sharing their mic to
>> not create the "pop out box"?  Wasn't sure if that is a limitation from
>> flash or just a code updated needed.  While you can minimize, resize, and
>> move the boxes, if you have 5 or 6 users on the mic at one time, your
>> screen becomes cluttered with all the pop out boxes from each user.
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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