
working well on 4.0.1,

2 files are not necessary but would be nice to control the location.

file number 1 is shutdown.token  - on linux this always seems to get
written to the root directory aka /shutdown.location

Seems quasi essential to stopping the service, but there are other ways. I
do have RED5_HOME set, but it always seems to get written to root which is
not allowed with the type enforcement I have going.

file number 2 is a directory in /tmp, and a single file under that. I have
java.io.tmpdir set, as well as RED5_HOME, but it seems neither of these are
honored and is also creating a type enforcement issue for me. Does not seem
that this file in /tmp is required, though?? seems like it is in the form of
/tmp/hsperdata_root/<PID>, where in my exact case PID=36236

then contains info about the running red5/openmeetings process.

Any help appreciated!


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