Make sense ...
And what about icons? where to put them?

On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 3:35 PM, Peter Dähn <> wrote:

> Hi Maxim,
> Empty Messages and Save Chatlog is fine. Odf works on demoserver. My test
> system give me an error. I think this come from import an old setting for
> jod path via restore. Need to be checked. I will do it later.
> SendButton is saving now as much space as possible. But I think I still
> would like to have the option to send messages with "Return" and New line
> with "Ctrl Return". It is more comfortable if there is no need to change
> from keyboard to mouse.
> And here is my mockup.
> I could already manage a few things via css, and I think this is totally
> fine to handle things like that, no need for a general change. I just
> marked the three things that are left (my point of view):
> 1 and 2. there is no need to put the date in each message: time is enough
> and date should be there in case the date of the further message is
> different to the current date
> 3. Chat message should take hole width of the chat panel
> Greetings Peter

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